
Creating Miixes

The miix creation tool is designed to help you build valuable miixes and publish them for the world to use. You could use the “CREATE A MIIX” button available in unpublished miixes page or published miixes page as shown below. Your miixes can have one trigger and multiple actions.

Steps to create a new miix

You can create your miix in partner console by following the below steps. Once you click the “CREATE A MIIX” button then you will be taken to Create Miix page to define trigger configuration.

  1. Trigger Configuration

  • Choose trigger app

  • Select trigger from the list of triggers available.

  • Define visibility settings and value.

  1. Action Configuration

  • Add action

  • Choose action app

  • Select action from the list of actions available.

  • Define visibility settings and value.

  1. Provide miix title and description, then click "Create Miix" button. You are done.

1. Some tips on using the tool

  • Miix Title : Be specific. This is your chance to tell the user what they should expect this Miix to do for them — approach it like you would writing an instruction manual, instead of a catchy headline. Keep it short and to the point.

  • Miix Description: This is where you can add in details about triggers and actions, and any information the user should customize, such as location or a hashtag.

  • Trigger: Select the trigger that you’d like to use for the Miix. The tool allows you to select from all apps on Qmiix that have at least one trigger.

  • Trigger Essentials: The tool allows you to either hide or show trigger essentials to the user when turning on the miix. If the value for the essential should be the same for all users, then fill out the essential with a value and mark it as 'Hidden from user'. For example, if your miix is “Tweet new technology articles from the New York Times”, you would select “Technology” for the NY Times “Section” trigger essential and then hide it. If your miix is “Tweet new articles from a section of the New York Times” you would mark the “Section” essential to be “Chosen by user”.

  • Action (s): You can select one or more actions to run when the trigger event occurs. Add additional actions by clicking the “Add action” button. Keep in mind that users must have activated all apps used in the Miix in order to turn it on.

  • Action Essentials: Like trigger essentials, data can be pre filled and hidden in an action essential or can be filled out by the user. In the case of action essentials, it is important to hide any essentials that don't need to be filled out by the user. For example, if your Miix is “Tweet your Instagram photos”, you would place the Instagram “SourceURL” element in the Twitter “Image URL” action essential and then hide it as this is the only appropriate element to have in that essential. Other essentials you might like the user to fill out themselves. Note that action essentials marked as “Chosen by user” can include prefilled values based on the miix templates.

2. Testing and publishing your Miixes

Test and Publish:

Visit your app page to try out the unpublished miix to make sure that it is working as expected. Click the “PREVIEW ON QMIIX” link under miix card to create a private version of the unpublished miixes in the Qmiix user portal.

Then you need to Login to the Qmiix user portal via QNAP account center using your QID and password or sign in using Google of Facebook account if you haven’t login yet.

Enable toggle button, configure miix and create your private miix. Unpublished miixes can be modified based on your testing.

The configure screen looks like the following and you can provide the required configurations and hit “CREATE” button once it is enabled.

Once the miix is created successfully you could see your private miix under my miixes page. You could click edit icon and modify the miix settings like accounts, essentials and notifications settings etc.,

You could check the miix’s execution results through “VIEW EXECUTION HISTORY” link in the configure page.

If your testing is done, then you can publish your miix using “PUBLISH” button in the miix card in unpublished miixes page, so that it can be accessed by any user from Qmiix user portal.

Archive and Restore:

Please note that once miix is published, it cannot be deleted if it has user miixes and it can only be archived. It means that existing users can continue using your miix but new users cannot use because it won’t be visible in Qmiix user portal once archived. But if published miixes don’t have any user miixes then it can be deleted. To archive a miix click settings icon in the miix card and look for “ARCHIVE” button as shown below.

You could restore the archived miixes, so that users could use them from Qmiix user portal.

AND/OR Condition

There are two types of miixes in Qmiix, they are simple and advanced miixes. Simple miix creation involves one trigger and one action. However, the advanced miixe creation involves one trigger and multiple actions and these actions are combined using AND/OR condition. Triggers and actions can be of the same app or different app.

AND Condition: When user combines multiple actions using AND condition, then all the actions should be executed successfully in order for the Miix Run status to be successful. AND condition retry will not have order once two or more actions are failed.

OR Condition: When user combines multiple actions using OR condition, then Qmiix will try to execute first action and if it failed then the second action need to be executed and so on. In case multiple actions, OR logic, we will setup a timeout for each action execution. If any one action executed successfully then the Miix Run status is marked as Successful. OR condition will retry when all the actions are failed and the retry order will be the same as the execution order.

Troubleshooting Miixes

Sometimes miixes run into issues or don't run as expected. Here are some tips for troubleshooting miix issues that your users (or you!) may run into.

1. Asking users for further information

Asking your users the following questions will help you further investigate the issue they are running into.

i. What's your Miix ID ?

The Miix ID is a unique ID of the Miix. This ID can be found in the execution details page of corresponding miix. Navigate to miix edit page using settings icon on the miix card and click “VIEW EXECUTION HISTORY” link.

Once the user share's their Miix ID with you, look up any relevant requests on your app's debugging page to find more information.

ii. Do you see any specific error messages ?

Here's where they can look:

  • Their Qmiix-wide account activity: qmiix.com/activity

iii. Did anything change recently about your Miix or the apps involved ?

This will be helpful in scenarios where a user's password changed, for example, or in scenarios where a user recently changed something about the specific miix or the trigger/action apps.

iv. What was the expected behavior of your Miix ?

If they are concerned about the speed of their miixes by checking in their Miix's Execution History, look in to the Realtime API if your app has triggers or contact Qmiix team.

2. Tools available to help troubleshoot

Once user reports that his miix has some issue, here are some tools that would help you investigate:

  • App Health: In this page you can check you can look for success-failure trends, error codes, error logs and find out your app’s health and check if there are any new issues which are affecting many users etc.,

    From the error logs of all API access you could analyse the request-response to find out what went wrong.

    For example, you can expand the error log with task “trigger_identity” and note down the Miix ID “bfvmvfgku38g00cnic6g” and Request ID “8c596b71- 6968-418d-a25c- 4851d9325ddd” and use them in the debugging page to find more information.

  • Debugging: In this page you can search for specific requests based on Request ID or Miix ID to find more information on the request and response.

    For example, you can use the Miix ID “bfvmvfgku38g00cnic6g” that you got in previous step or from Execution History and look for errors logs or issues around that miix. You can expand each error logs and analyze the request-response and find out what went wrong as shown below

3. Qmiix error codes

Below table provides you the explanation of the error codes that you might see on your App Health and Debugging pages.

Error Codes



App used in the miix not existed


The connected account is invalid


The connected account is not existed


The trigger used in the miix is not existed


The trigger essential is missing from the trigger request


The trigger essential used in the trigger request is not existed


The trigger element used in the action request is not existed.


The partner returns 401 invalid access token error


The partner returns 400 bad request error


The partner returns 500 internal server error


The partner did not respond the request


The trigger used in the miix is not existed


The action essential is missing from the action request


The action essential used in the action request is not existed


The partner returns skip error for this action request